Sunday, April 6, 2008


In my opinion, the theme of Lord of the Flies is to reveal the evil nature of human being in a civilization. There were no governmental structure that kept the boys in peace, which led to bloody sacrifices of the innocent. Golding demonstrates the conflict between civilization and savagery in the conflict between the novel’s two main characters: Ralph the protagonist, who represents order and leadership, and Jack the antagonist, who represents savagery and the desire for power.

As the novel progresses, Golding implies that the instinct of savagery is far more fundamental to the human nature than the instinct of civilization. He sees moral behavior, in many cases, as something that civilization forces upon the individual rather than a natural expression of human individuality. When left to their own devices, Golding implies, people naturally revert to cruelty, savagery, and barbarism. Among all the characters, only Simon seems to possess anything like a natural, innate goodness.

The reason why the theme of Lord of the Flies is important for teenagers living in 2008 is because we all live in the society in which everyone hides his or her evil qualities in their mind, trying hard to show only their good aspects. If there is no school or some form of stuctural government in our society, who knows if we are going to be part of Jack's group? You never know. If I were abandoned in a jungle and had to survive without anyone's help, I believe that the hidden nature inside of me will eventually come out to fit the situation.

1 comment:

Jenny Kim said...

I agree how Golding said there's evil withing all of us, but like I said on my previous comments, I believe humans have good instincts within us also. We don't feel love and compassion because we're taught to. We just "feel" it. And that's the very basic fundamental of being human. Having emotions other than savage instincts. You don't like someone because you're told to, right? And I actually think that it's a good thing that humans try to show only their good aspects. Is it not better than trying to show bad aspects? Because us humans want to be perfect, and strive for perfection, there's more order and peace around the world.